Travel Info
We really want you to feel at home in Naoussa so we have a whole range of practical services available for you, from customised maps on how to get here and the local attractions, pharmacies, car mechanics and local municipal services.
How to get to Naoussa
Click on the links below to find directions, timetables and links to public transport websites and their phone numbers. TIMES MAY CHANGE. CHECK SITES!!
Useful local transportation telephone numbers
Taxi: 23320 22552/22636
Bus station for local routes: 23320 28500
Emergency telephone numbers
Police 100
Ambulance 166
Fire Brigade 199
Police department of Naoussa 23320 52560
Fire department of Naoussa 23320 21100
General hospital of Naoussa 23323 50100/59100. Click here for directions.
Useful telephone numbers
Car Mechanics Note - the first few numbers are ads from mechanics outside Naoussa
Imathia County Regional Unit 23313 50200
Municipality of Naoussa 23323 50300
Naoussa Citizens’ Services 23323 50000
Municipal Library 23323 50025